
L03 :understand how the meaning is created in a media product

  Prey is a horror/action movie that was released recently on Disney+ in 2022.The main setting of the film is spinoff story that no links whatsoever to the main predator story apart from having the predator in the film which keeps it linked to the franchise. This is a spinoff movie that does not link to the main predator story as it sets itself in the early 19th century in the Great Plains of America where a Comanche girl which  means she is a Native American, Naru, and her dog ,Sarii, witness the predator's spacecraft and believes it to be a thunderbird which is a sign to prove herself as she wishes to prove that she can become a great hunter of her tribe like her elder brother, Tabee. She first truly sees the predator when she is attacked and nearly killed by a grizzly bear in by a river where she witnesses the predator kill the creature however, she does not see its body as its camouflaged want made it visible was the blood of the bear. Most of the movie focuses on her, Sar...

L01:task1 media products in the audio visual industry

 conglomerates and ownership strutures Auduince pleasuresTheorists (mcquial ,altman) Audience demographic(disney's target children in general and adults Above the line below the line advertising media industries media industries brand  and how they create synergy joint venture-independent public service broadcaster cross media ownership mainstream vs niche adaptation ownership and brands is unit1: Lo1  advertising is unit1:Lo2 pleasures and audience is Unit: lo3 ,lo4,lo5,lo6

L04:understand the target audiences of media products

BARB-broadcasters audience research board is an organization that compiles audience ratings it provides the television audience service for broadcasters and the advertising industry. SKY BARB was formed in 1981 and are responsible for delivering the UK's television audience ratings for broadcasters. 1.The four ways a program can be viewed are: TV PC Tablets Smartphone 2.The most viewed channel via smartphone is 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here!' 3.The channel showing the most political programs is BBC1. e.g. an address by her majesty the queen 4.The more entertainment-based programs are on ITVe.g .Britain's got talent RAJAR-Radio Joint audience research 1.a single audience measurement system for the radio industry. charge of measuring radio audiences 3.An example of a broadcaster that uses RAJAR is Global RAJAR was established in 1992 and is an official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK. It is jointly owned by the BBC and the Radio Centre...

L02 Traditional and virtual advertising

 Traditional method Tv advertising Radio Cinema Conglomerates can use this as they have the revenue from the products from their subsidiaries. Methods are expensive.It is a good way to attract an audience to a product. An independent company can do the same methods as a conglomerate however they don't have as much money. Digital/virtual Difference-Digital interpret                    Wider audience reach Distributed online by: websites social media streaming platforms It it also more quick and cheaper than distributing traditionally. Technological convergence - technology coming together Technological convergence is getting close to Web 2.0 which helps with: Apps Communication Advertising They are all different as it makes technology multifunctional Digital Natives -A Group of society who grew up with technological advancements. Digital Migrants -The population that had to adjust to technological advancements. Henry Jenkins states t...